Strategic Implications of Future Trends (SIFT)

SIFT uses trend analysis, scenario based

storytelling, mapping,

object-based futures (artifacts)

and reflection to enable participants

to view potential dynamics from

a variety of perspectives. In the

process, these activities are

intended to increase cognitive

engagement, expand situational

awareness, clarify assumptions

and promote abductive thinking

(as an additional way to think about

the interactions between trends).

This activity began as a collaboration between Altimeter Design Group and Sandia National Laboratory in 2018. Versions of SIFT were incorporated into exercises for officers in the Naval Postgraduate School’s Applied Design for Innovation program. The SIFT exercise was presented at the 4th International Conference on Anticipation at Arizona State University in 2022. 

For more information about SIFT and how we might facilitate an exercise for you or your organization, please contact


Fabricated Futures
